Sesame Street in Communities: Traumatic Experiences

Sesame Street in Communities is here to support parents and caregivers as the foundations for children’s healthy development. Thoroughly researched and tested with families, these resources are proven to make a measurable difference for kids, and make your job as a parent a little bit easier.

Here you’ll find tons of multi-media tools in both English and Spanish designed for children from birth to six, a period when brains are developing rapidly and your nurturing interaction makes a lasting difference. The videos, activities, printables, and digital interactives feature our friendly, furry Muppets and help you playfully, meaningfully engage with kids during everyday moments. The site covers a wide range of topics, from school readiness to building healthy habits to tough issues such as divorce and hunger.

Deer Park school sets up “safe haven” for students dealing with stress

Local Story featuring Deer Park Junior-Senior High School –
As more schools deal with bullying and violence, a local school comes up with a way to stop things from escalating before they start. Everything from the lighting to the sounds in a room at Deer Park Junior-Senior High School are calming. It’s called the “Recharge Room”.

Study: Many Ohio kids experience early childhood trauma

Economic hardship, neighborhood violence, split-up parents and substance abuse. Any one of those conditions can make for problems that follow a kid through childhood and beyond.
A new report based on data from the 2016 National Survey of Children’s Health found that Ohio is among five states with the highest share of children — as many as one in seven — who had faced three or more of the potential trauma measures known to researchers as adverse childhood experiences

Laying the Groundwork for Trauma-Informed Care – Brief

Adopting a trauma-informed approach to care has the potential to improve patient health outcomes as well as the well-being of providers. While becoming a trauma-informed health care organization can be time and resource-intensive, there are relatively simple, foundational steps that providers can take to move toward fully adopting a trauma-informed approach to care. This brief includes practical recommendations for health care organizations interested in becoming trauma-informed. It draws from the experiences of pilot sites in Advancing Trauma-Informed Care (ATC), a national initiative made possible by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and led by the Center for Health Care Strategies (CHCS).

Trauma Informed Community Building Evaluation

At its core, Trauma Informed Community Building (TICB) aims to increase the readiness of the community to sustain personal and
neighborhood change. TICB strives to promote social cohesion and foster resiliency so that residents will have the capacity to adjust to changing circumstances, including the transition to a mixed-income neighborhood. Informed by the socio-ecological model, TICB acknowledges the interplay of
individual, interpersonal, community and system level factors on residents’ experiences, and aims to simultaneously target each of these levels in all aspects of community building efforts (Weinstein, Wolin, & Rose, 2014).

Trauma Informed Community Building

Pervasive current and historical trauma demands a community building approach that takes into account residents’ emotional needs and avoids
re-traumatization triggers, which “traditional” models of community building may ignore or exacerbate. Just as a “trauma informed approach” is now
accepted as essential for effective service delivery to many individuals living in these communities (SAMHSA, 2012), a trauma informed approach to
community building is required to create sustainable improvements to their social and physical environment.

Trauma-Sensitive School Checklist

A traumasensitive school is a safe and respectful environment that enables students to build caring relationships with adults and peers, self-regulate their emotions and behaviors, and succeed academically, while supporting their physical health and well-being.