“5 Ways to Build Resilience” Tip Sheets by Joining Forces for Children Early Childhood Channel
The Joining Forces for Children Early Childhood Channel “Messages of Hope” work group created 5 tip sheets for building resilience with children. These tip sheets outline easy, every day actions that help children build resiliency and develop strong, stable relationships.
- Multiple languages: These tip sheets are available in English, Spanish, and French.
- Children’s books list: A popular tool for parent engagement, tip sheets can be paired with similarly themed children’s books. We’ve seen them used at story time, shared with families at home visits, and even distributed at the Cincinnati Children’s emergency departments! Our local librarians helps us compile a list of the books that align with the theme of each tip sheet
- QR code for distribution: Finally, we’ve also created a flyer with a QR code, in case you want a single way to distribute all tip sheets to parents at engagement events.