Some children need additional supports in developing ways to cope with feelings and form positive relationships. Early intervention services provided in a classroom setting ensures they develop critical skills needed for future success in school and life. To meet an increasing need for early intervention and support, CoStars Early Childhood Services recently launched a new Therapeutic Child Care (TCC) program at their Westwood and Madisonville preschool centers. Designed to promote children’s social and emotional development, CoStars Therapeutic Child Care (TCC) integrates quality early care and education with Best Point’s Early Childhood Mental Health expertise. Learn more about this new model of care by clicking here!
Channel: Early Childhood
“Truth & Equity Cincinnati” Documentary Now Streaming
Dr. Wendy Ellis and the Center for Community Resilience partnered with Joining Forces for Children, All In Cincinnati, the University of Cincinnati Center for Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation, Cincinnati Public Schools, and the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center to create, “America’s Truth: Cincinnati,” a documentary exploring how structural racism in policies and practices harmed four Black communities in Cincinnati. This documentary was created as part of our cross-coalition effort to bring truth and racial healing to our community in 2021. The documentary features many Joining Forces for Children partners, including the Avondale ROOT Ambassadors. The documentary offers a vision for policy and practice transformation in support of racial equity here in Cincinnati and beyond. You can now view the documentary for free by registering at with your email address!
Bouncing Forward Series for Early Childhood Professionals
The Consortium for Resilient Young Children (CRYC) launched a new virtual program for early childhood professionals and families as they balance all the new transitions and stresses from the COVID-19 pandemic. Focusing on children birth to age 5, CRYC has traditionally offered coaching and consultation services to child care programs. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic- CRYC is expanding access to their programming.
Bouncing Forward is a new set of resources and programming that is flexible and virtual. Bouncing Forward provides opportunities for professionals and parents to gain some practical guidance on lessening the impact of stress and adversity being experienced by so many during this pandemic. For more information or to register for Bouncing Forward events email Joining Forces is pleased to collaborate with CRYC on this exciting effort!
Parent Conversation Guide
This guide is intended to help professionals engage parents and caregivers in supportive conversations that assess risks and needs, with the ultimate goal of supporting family wellness. Establishing rapport and using the tips outlined on the guide will help build trust, even if the conversation must happen virtually. It may take multiple conversations for parents or caregivers to feel safe enough to share their concerns or ask for help. Across our region, providers have been using these strategies to regularly engage families.
If you have questions about the guide or would like additional training in motivational interviewing basics, please contact the Joining Forces for Children training team at
“5 Ways to Build Resilience” Tip Sheets by Joining Forces for Children Early Childhood Channel
The Joining Forces for Children Early Childhood Channel “Messages of Hope” work group created 5 tip sheets for building resilience with children. These tip sheets outline easy, every day actions that help children build resiliency and develop strong, stable relationships.
- Multiple languages: These tip sheets are available in English, Spanish, and French.
- Children’s books list: A popular tool for parent engagement, tip sheets can be paired with similarly themed children’s books. We’ve seen them used at story time, shared with families at home visits, and even distributed at the Cincinnati Children’s emergency departments! Our local librarians helps us compile a list of the books that align with the theme of each tip sheet
- QR code for distribution: Finally, we’ve also created a flyer with a QR code, in case you want a single way to distribute all tip sheets to parents at engagement events.
Co-Regulating: Parenting with Power
Researchers have found that when a person observes the experience of another person, the same areas of the brain light up as the person having the experience. Simply put, mirror neurons are linked to our ability to connect with other’s experiences and develop empathy. This resource lists 5 ways parents and caregivers can help a child deescalate by using a “mirror” technique called co-regulating.
Tips for Parenting at Different Ages and Stages
Parenting a teen is definitely not the same as parenting a newborn! Knowing your child’s developmental needs makes parenting a little easier because it will give you ideas on how to strengthen your relationship with your child at any age. This tip sheet outlines strategies for positive parenting with kids & teens of all ages.
Social Connections to Stay Resilient
Feeling connected to people can be a big motivator to keep going, especially when times are
hard. Our circles of support – whether it be family, friends, coworkers, teammates, church
members, or others – help us to manage stress and feel less alone. This tip sheet explores WHY social connections are a key component to maintaining resiliency for you and your family!
Child Adult Relationship Enhancement (CARE) Collaborative
CARE is an evidence-based universal approach to help any adult interacting with children or teens. It uses skills designed to enhance child-adult relationships and to reduce mild to moderate behavior problems. CARE is a trauma-informed training model for caregivers and professionals, paraprofessionals, and lay public who interact and work with children. CARE workshops actively build skills through discussion, demonstration, practice, and live coaching—all within a fun and engaging learning environment!
The International CARE (iCARE) Collaborative is a group of experts and all-around fun people who are excited to share the power of Child-Adult Relationship Enhancement (CARE) with others. Visit the website for informational videos and trainings.
Parenting in the Time of COVID-19
Can’t go to work? Schools closed? Worried about money? It is normal to feel stressed and overwhelmed.
To help parents interact constructively with their children during this time of confinement, the World Health Organization published six one-page tips for parents and caregivers on planning one-on-one time, staying positive, creating a daily routine, avoiding bad behavior, managing stress, and talking about COVID-19. These tip sheets are available in 13 languages!
Use them to your and your kids’ advantage, and have fun! Laughing, having fun and building positive memories can help the whole family reduce stress.